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This Month's Moot - is in the Red Lion for 4pm!

Thursday, 31 December 2009

Lunar Eclipse

Happy New Years all. This Sunday we're still running the moot as usual - there may be one or two guest speakers but due to the time of year we'll be having one more relaxed one before we head full on into the new year.

Same time - 3pm Red Lion on Sunday.


Friday, 11 December 2009

Radio Broadcast - Labyrinthine Musings by The Inappropriate Shaman

Coooor blimey - it's all happening! Sunday night there's gonna be a radio interview - check this out.

Ever wondered what it's like to live in the middle of an enchanted stone circle and be a practising Shaman? Well you can find out on Sunday night - December 13th (her birthday) - when Shaman Sam guests on Johny Brown & Inga Tillere's Radio Joy.

Where she reports on her journeys into the Wyrd featuring Crow Pie, Druid's Knee, Liquid Lucy, Samhain soul flight and many other digressions. Frank Frenzy & Louise Luminous provide the hallucinatory soundscape to accompany these musings.

Watch LIVE at Radio Joy!

Review in yesterday's Guardian: "RADIO JOY lives up to its name. A place to find some thrilling art radio, the kind of thing that respects no boundaries and relishes the experimental"

See full review here at the Gaurdian

The show will be archived so LISTEN AGAIN at your leisure here: www.radiojoy.co.uk

And on a completely different note, a quick film about permaculture and how it's principles could change the world! I've landed lucky and am involved in a project in Calne which is looking at developing a site into a lovely permacultre experiment and so have started to discover little gems like this vid... enjoy!

Thanks Clay for sending me this.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Yule Feast!

Greetings Mooties, as per the Samhain edition of the Avebury Circular...

"The Yule Feast, now into it's seventh or so year, is a celebration of the Avebury Pagan community. The Yule Feast has been a welcome highlight in the colder months of the year for many of Avebury's regulars from every walk of life."

Sunday 20th December 6pm till 10.30pm
Location is Lockeridge, same as last year.
Sitting down for dinner is 7pm
Bring and Share (Food, Drink, Music and Stories)
Cost is a mere £4 at the door.


Sunday, 6 December 2009

December Moot - a chat by the fire.

Thank you Mooties - another splendid moot had by all. For a bit of a change we put questions into a 'hat' and then discussed each item as it was pulled out. We looked at how some of us placed more importance on the stones in Avebury, whilst others favoured the trees and wildlife. We questioned whether Paganism was just another form of religious control, talked about the pros and cons of guided meditation, about climate 'change' and even probed into the Angelic Reiki scene. And if that was not enough we also looked at: God and how 'he' might be included into one's spiritual path, how one might work with the Faeries, about vegetarianism and even about the possibility of recording future talks into podcasts... and much more.

Thank you everyone for turning up and for contributing to this month's moot - a blinder!

Some Videos and Links sprung to mind on some of the topics talked about.

The Author of the Vegetarian Myth (a challenging read for veggies like myself) - check Lierre Keith's site and read the first 20 pages of her thought provoking book here.
Here's a quick vid of her speaking as well.

The Anti Terrorist gives his spiritual take on life - sparked by the talk of life being a game that should be Played Well.
This is the fist part of a two parter - sometimes these lock up when you try and view them - simply reload browser and skip the first minute.

We mentioned Podcasts and also Neil Kramer so I'll point you towards his blog here.
He talks a lot about awakening of consciousness, imagination and transcending conspiracy... you can check out the talk below which was aired on Red Ice Creations a while back. Now Red Ice are cheeky and try and charge you for 2nd parters but you can find the rest of the talk on youtube

Finally, a nod towards Botany in a Day by Thomas J Elpel - a fantastic resource for you budding foragers.
Frank Cook (in the below vid) talks a lot about Elpels work...

Watch this space for a breakdown of Avebury during the Yule period... there's a lot happening.

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Mellow Moot

This month's moot will be a more mellow affair with an opportunity for discussion on everything. It's been over a year since I started supporting the moot and during that time we've tried out a fair few things - different locations, types of speakers... all sorts. So now I'm keen to hear what else you'd like and to hear any ideas about anything moot related.

So we have a more relaxed affair for tomorrow and there's no speaker booked this time round - a more mellow pre yule warmer :) We might even venture into the famous realms of 'questions in a hat"... maybe :)

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Once again another splendid moot delivered to us by Jon from Tracks Education. Thanks Jon for sharing some of your knowledge about Palaeolithic Skills and Survival. Jon showed us some of the things he'd made, like flint tools, bows and arrows, water containers, drills and spears to name a few. All of this stuff was made by him from things he's found in the wild, utilising animal parts, tree resins and different types of wood. You can get in touch with Jon on his facebook thingy here.

Carlie from the Calne moot even chatted to him about doing an outside thing so that we could see some of this stuff in action! Talking of the Calne moot, they also have a new website which you can check out here.


Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Palaeolithic Survival & Obod

Greetings Mooties, Next Moot - Palaeolithic survival! But first of all I think we'll all agree that last month's moot was a real eye opener. Harry delivered an excellent moot detailing the amount of waste that we as consumers create, along with the impact of large supermarket chains contributing to the mix. His beliefs and values are such that he no longer wants to participate in a capitalist system where waste is more profitable that recycling, where people go hungry on the streets whilst M&S throw blue dye on there waste and where people are losing their lives every minute though starvation and malnutrition whilst we do… well, whatever it is we do. Part of what he does is Freeganism, Urban Foraging, Bin Diving - whatever you want to call it. At the end of this post there are some statistics, some freegan links and a couple of wicked movies.

And so to next month, starting sharp at 3pm as usual, I would like to welcome Jon to the moot from Tracks Env Edu. He will coming along to tell us a little about his expertise on the subject of Palaeolithic Survival. He recently did the fab and funky Calne Moot so I know he'll have with him a whole range of fascinating items, all crafted from nature in a natural fashion, that he believes our ancestors would have used to carve out a comfortable existence with. You can visit his facebook thingy here.

After Jon I'm honoured to Welcome High Priestess Morgan to the Moot who will be at hand to answer any questions we may have about Druidism and what it means to her. Please use this opportunity to find answers to any questions you may have about the Druids and what they get up to.

The Samhain Labyrinth still needs people to contribute in the running of this most excellent of events - contact Kaos Crow on Facebook - he's left a message on the Avebury Moot Facebook group if you need a link to him.

Which brings us on to the events of Saturday - it's going to be a blinder. We have the Labyrinth, which starts in the lunar circle at 7.30pm (till 8.30), The Walk of the Dead (starting at 9ish I guess) and the Avebury Open Mic (about 8 to late) to name but a few of the fabulous treats available to us over the Samhain Weekend. I'm also informed there will be camping over the weekend on the Saturday and Sunday night.

And if you think camping over the weekend is madness then you're aint seen nothing yet! From Monday the 26th a mad crazy bunch will be participating in the Aboriginal Briton project. Bonkers!

So, have a look at this amazing little film - you've gotta love her voice :)

And also freeganism explored - a couple of people start with an empty flat and feed and furnish themselves on waste... amazing!

And I haven't seen this yet but the first couple of minutes seems to be on the right tone...
(EDIT - the other two vids are much better than this one - these people have a different ethos).

These quotes are from www.freegan.org.uk

- UK households discard 4.1 million tonnes of avoidable food waste, worth £10.2 billion, every year.

- Much of the food that we throw away is unopened. 1,600 million apples, 1,030 million tomatoes, 2,570 million bread slices, 484 million unopened yoghurt tubs are discarded anually by households in the UK.

- Not only are healthy foods thrown away, but 259 million full packs of chocolates and sweets, 30 million untouched Gateaux are discarded anually by UK households.

- Well might we say 'Let them eat cake', while bread accounts for 505,000 tonnes of avoidable household food waste in the UK, cakes and puddings also puts in a reasonable showing, at 86,000 tonnes per year.

- From 2005-2008 world food prices rose by 75%. Wheat prices have doubled, while maize, soya and oilseeds are at record highs.

- India is the world's second biggest wheat producer but bought 5.5m tonnes in 2006, and 1.8m tonnes in 2007, driving up world prices. It has banned the export of all forms of rice other than luxury basmati.

- In 2007-2008, farmers in Kenya's Rift Valley planted a third less of the land than in 2006-2007, because fertiliser has more than doubled in price.

- Price rises of basic staples in 2007-2008: Corn 31%, Rice 74%, Soya 87%, Wheat 130%.

- 1,000-2,000 litres of water are required to produce 1kg of wheat, but 10,000-13,000 litres of water are required to produce 1kg of beef.

- The global demand for biological resources now exceeds the planet's capacity to renew them by 20%.

- The UK disposes of more than 27m tonnes of waste to landfill each year - 7m more than any other European country.

- An area the size of Warwick - 109 sq miles - is now landfill and landfill space could run out in 2016.

- Household rubbish is only a 1/10th of all the waste created in the UK. Most waste is produced by businesses shops, offices, street-markets, construction or demolition firms, farmers, industry, manufacturers or other businesses.

- Councils are required to ensure local household waste is recycled, however there are no similar requirements for business waste.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Freegan Dumpster Anarchy

Greetings Mooties. It looks like this month we have another treat in the name of a fella called Harry. He's going to be up from the South coast to share his knowledge and ideas on a range of subjects - but for me he encapsulates many of the qualities found in a movement called Freeganism.

One blog I came across quoted Freeganism as being:

…a total boycott of an economic system where the profit motive has eclipsed ethical considerations and where massively complex systems of productions ensure that all the products we buy will have detrimental impacts most of which we may never even consider. Thus, instead of avoiding the purchase of products from one bad company only to support another, we avoid buying anything to the greatest degree we are able.

So Freegans don't cooperate in the system. In other words, even things like recycling still require you to participate in the system that ultimately pollutes. Freegans on the other hand are more likely to pre-cycle. Some of these chaps are activists in Guerrilla Gardening, Free Cycle, Free Stores, Wild Foraging, Squatting and Urban Forraging to name but a few. With an emphasis on the latter, Harry will share his experiences and ideas with us.

There will also be a section at the end of the moot for those people willing to be involved in the preparation and organisation of the Samhain Fire Labyrinth to get together,

See you all Sunday :)

Monday, 7 September 2009

Dream Tank (think tank) for the future of the human race

Well, I think all those that attended this month's Moot will agree that we had a most enjoyable and thought provoking time with Bill and his ideas for building a better everything.

For more information and to begin to contribute to the Dream Tank please take a look at his Facebook group right here.

Thank you to everyone who attended and for all those that contributed to the discussion

Finally, a wee poem from one of my favourite modern poets...

The Opening of Eyes

That day I saw beneath dark clouds
the passing light over the water
and I heard the voice of the world speak out,
I knew then, as I had before
life is no passing memory of what has been
nor the remaining pages in a great book
waiting to be read.

It is the opening of eyes long closed.
It is the vision of far off things
seen for the silence they hold.
It is the heart after years
of secret conversing
speaking out loud in the clear air.

It is Moses in the desert
fallen to his knees before the lit bush.
It is the man throwing away his shoes
as if to enter heaven
and finding himself astonished,
opened at last,
fallen in love with solid ground.

-- David Whyte
©1984 Many Rivers Press

David's website is here.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

September' Moot - A Calling to the Project

Sunday the 6th September at 3pm - this coming weekend! - is the next moot. And we're delighted to tell you that we're being joined by Bill who will share his ideas with us.

I'm pretty sure he'll delve into his ideas of cosmology, compassion, anarchy, warehouses in the brain, about levels of consciousness, and about what this means for us in our everyday 3d reality. At the very least he'll be sharing with us his ideas for a project, with an aim of playing the game, "lets make life better for mankind." With a focus on dreaming and imagination, over the usual tool of logic, Bill will present his core ideas and then open up the Moot for discussion and sharing of... whatever pops up.

I've included a picture of this quite spectacular cauliflower - I found Bill eating one of these amazing fellas last week at the Spirit Camp. Talking of which, the Spirit Camp was another great success full of great moments. Thanks Pan & Janis for doing the thing yet again.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Spirit Camp

For various reasons the address etc cannot be posted on the net - therefore for directions and further information please contact Pan & Janis on 07964713109 - they will be manning the lines all day:)

The site is open today and there is plenty of capacity for all of us.

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Circular Spirit Camp

August Bank Holiday Weekend

Every year the people that make up the heart and spirit of Avebury all get together to celebrate everything. Each year we try new things and set about to have a fun and relaxing time in the sun... it's always sunny at the Spirit Camp... guaranteed!

This year's Spirit Camp adopts the much preferred atmosphere and entertainment of the the first year's Spirit Camp by bringing back the warmth of a family event centred around sharing of old knowledge, crafts and skills. So bring your music, your art, your interests and your hearts, and come and share in what will be the delight of another long weekend fun and frivolity.

The location for this wonderful event will be close Avebury - only a few miles away from Devizes in fact.

This time round we have some added luxuries:
Paddling Pool
Free outdoor swimming pool (subject to weather etc)
Children's play area
BBQ area
Toilet Block
...and the real clincher, Showers!

The whole weekend costs a mere £20 with under 16's free as long as they're with a paying adult.
Car Parking is a £1 a day

To get your tickets (and quick, because they'll go very quickly indeed) simply send in your cheques, written out to the Avebury Circular, to
The Avebury Circular
PO BOX 3360
SN10 9BA
Remember to include a note with your names. addresses and telephone numbers.

Finally, poor ol' Rover's got to stay at home for this one... no dogs allowed.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Lama Khemsar Rinpoche visits Avebury.

Greetings all. I hoope you all enjoyed the last Moot. The original speaker dropped out at the last minute and then I got myself a wee bit stuck and couldn't make it. Luckily John picked up my reins for me and Chuck, the Bard of Avebury did his stuff with music, tales and myth. Thank you John and Chuck.

Prior to the next Moot you may all be interested in a visit we're having from Lama Khemsar Rinpoche who will be delivering talks and the like in the local area. Also, next Tuesday he will be giving a free talk from the Social Centre. I've embedded the flyer into this posting - if you click on the top right corner of the flyer or the bottom left, then you'll see the full flyer.


Rinpoche 09

Saturday, 1 August 2009


Greetings Mooties! Last month we were lucky enough to have a very lively bodhran workshop and drumming circle. The lovely people from the Avebury Open Mic worked with us to give us a unique setting in the sun and a jolly good time was had by all.

This month there will be one or two guest speakers and neither of them have revealed the subjects they're going to talk about. Mystery! Intrigue! We're also going to get a special visit from the Bard of Avebury who will be unravelling some of the mysteries, myths and legends of Avebury and the surrounds. Usual time - 2.45 for a 3.00 start :)

Last month I was also lucky to attend the Calne/Chippingham moot that was delivered my the lovely Carlie. She shared some of her knowledge of plant medicines and food - she even brought in over 20 edible plants she found whilst wondering up to tgive the talk! So if you fancy another fascinating diversion then get yourselves over to the Wheatsheaf this coming Thursday for before 8pm.

Friday, 3 July 2009

Framed Drums and Puppets!

Hello mooties, here we are after another glorious month of hot sun and cool nights. This month's moot is little different than before.

For all those wanting to start the evening with something a little bit different then why not check out the Social Centre at 2.30pm. The splendid folk from the Avebury Open Mic have some very special guests called the Hand to Mouth Theatre. There is a charge of a pound for kiddies and maybe three squid for adults (I think that's what they said) - and if it's sunny and hot then it may even be held on the green out the back of the hall. I think this show will be something special - especially for the little ones... puppets!

Those who can't make this can then up for the first part of the Moot for 3pm where we'll be hearing any announcements and taking the opportunity to grab a drink.

And here's the neat bit. At 3.30pm we'll all go down to the hall and almost morph into the Open Mic. Our special guest Alistair will be on hand to take us though a workshop for Bodhran drum - so any of you with a framed drum please bring them along. In fact bring any type of drum along. After this we'll then have a bit of a drum circle at the stones, weather permitting.

And remember - the Avebury Open Mic kicks off on Saturday night from 8.30pm - I've heard the line up…. It's going to be great

Thursday, 18 June 2009

Hail & Welcome!

Hello Mooties, Solstice is upon us!! There's a few confirmed bits n bobs taking place over the weekend and we thought it best to share:)

On Saturday at 2pm we have the Free and Open Gorsedd. At some point, usually at about sunset, we should also have the company of the King's Drummers which is not to be missed!

Then on Sunday we have the sunrise at 4.43am and sunset at 9.21pm. Also at 1 pm there is the Gorsedd of the Bards of Caer Abiri (they muster outside the outside the Stones restaurant from 12pm).

There's always lots lots more going on over the weekend including drumming, dancing and plenty of other circles and ceremonies.

I hope you all have an illuminating and fun Solstice

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Solstice and a Peaceful Rebellion!

Greetings all. During the next couple of days we at the Moot should have a pretty good idea of what's happening over the Solstice weekend, so if you are keen to find out what's going down then keep an eye on this site.

On Saturday the Moot travelled to London to check out a peaceful rebellion! You see, it seems that a bunch of people that like to question stuff have come up with this idea that we, the people of Britain, have a constitution (that's why it's called a Constitutional Monarchy) and that our Bill of Rights (and the Magna Carta) are being dissolved and hijacked by treasonous MPs, Police, Lords etc. You might say to yourself, "wow, heavy man!" And too right - can these people really be onto something? If they are then we'd better start telling the Irish… they're going to voting on something pretty important soon.

Anyway, one of the talkers is a very likeable and funny man called john: harris - he recently gave a similar presentation in stoke I think.

john's website is

and you can get more info from the British Constitutional Group and from BBC5 TV :)

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Moot - Truth Serum

This month's Moot was brought to us by Aph who shared with us some of the information she'd gathered whilst researching vaccinations. She was very clear that she 'was no expert' and encouraged everyone to look at the data themselves. Essentially she's very interested in other people having the freedom to choose - and with vaccinations, that means getting interested in them!

During the first part of the talk Aph talked about the conspiracy, health and magical aspects of the subject. For the conspiracy part, she pointed out the in the US most vaccinations are already compulsory and that moves are ever being made to have the same policy in the UK. In regards to health, Aph told us about the heaps n heaps of research data that is now freely available, much of which demonstrates that the sides effects of taking vaccines are very harmful - see the sudden rise in allergies, asthma, diabetes and autism. She went on to suggest that, from a purely magical or spiritual perspective, to inject toxins into our systems only forms to hinder us.

Aph then opened up the topic for debate, which the Mooty audience took up with relish. Many of the people in the room had either been misinformed by healthcare professionals in the past or had had their own first hand experience of either suffering as a consequence of using pharmaceuticals or who had greatly improved their own health by eliminating pharmaceuticals.

Ultimately, the information is out there, waiting for you:) Become informed and look for yourselves - here are some of the sites that Aph used to get to where she is now.


Monday, 1 June 2009

Vaccination Vacation

This month's moot is a fascinating investigation into the world of vaccines. Our talker will be giving her views on the glut of vaccination data available, their effectiveness and how we can all make the best decisions for ourselves based on our own research.

For my own part I've often referred to the PAVE site which offers a useful resource to the vaccination debate. I've offset that with information from NHS direct and research information provided by the Pharmaceutical companies. If you want to have at least an insight into the debate it's probably worth having a butchers at the PAVE site.

As usual we'll be at the Red Lion for 2.45pm to start promptly at 3pm :) If the weather is cracking again then we may well venture into the circle - if you turn up and there's nobody about then head to the Beach Trees via the Moon Cove... we'll be along the way someplace or other.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

A Belting Beautiful Beltane Moot

Beltane's Moot was sunny, lively and full of cheer. As expected the turnout was splendid with locals, campers and visitors turning up from many different areas of the UK.

A special thanks to Alasdair(dude with the sunnies) for leading the drummers though some great moments. Also Neil and the The Dude for their solid support. And thanks to everyone that took part. The great thing was at some point or other most people either drummed or picked up a rattle and contributed to the mix. The vibe was very relaxed and chatty with everyone spread out on the grass and basking in the sun with cool drinks.

The kids even had fun creating their very own Green Man - well done! And thank you little Eris who turned 1 over Beltane - more than anyone, she helped me keep my rhythm with a smile.

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

The Benefit of Circling Avebury

Great news! The Avebury Circular is having a Benefit Event. When? Well, Friday is the day and 3pm to 6pm is the time. And they are doing it to raise money for community ventures such as the magazine and the Spirit Camp.

The afternoon will consist of light refreshments and jolly fun, so make sure you pop your head in for a peek.

And on the topic of the circular, the Beltane addition is now available to purchase right now, on line, right here! Just push the Magic Button...

Monday, 27 April 2009

Beltane Moot

Greetings Mooties, summer is here and Beltane is literally around the corner. As numbers are normally quite high at Beltane we're going to put ourselves in the Circle (weather permitting) and have ourselves some fun drumming. Several very experienced drummers will be along and everyone will have the opportunity to slap away at some skin, rattle some rattly things and maybe even chant some.

For those coming for the weekend then Friday morning just after 5.00 am is the starter, when everyone gathers for the sunrise at 530. At this time there will be the usual jolly atmosphere and 'hail n' welcomes', along with the fab Maypole dancing. Plenty of other activities will also be taking place, including the Free & Open Gorsedd Saturday at 1pm.

So remember, 2.45pm on the Sunday at the Red Lion for the Moot that will start at 3.00pm. If we've already disappeared then head over to the Moon Cove... or just follow your ears :)

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Evolution of Avebury - Moot April

On this occasion I was not at the Moot some very good people took notes so that we could all enjoy an account of what was experienced.

Terry Dobney

Evolution of Avebury

Terry talks to room;

How Avebury was when it was fully functional

50,000 yrs or 2 ice ages ago

Indigenous tribes would have had shamans, people who had herbal, medicinal, and ancestral knowledge, and due to the nature of the necessary training this would have likely been an inherited position, Father/Son, Mother/Daughter.

This area of Wiltshire is chalk down lands and it was cleared around the last ice age, due to the nature of chalk land it is very easy to clear, the roots don’t penetrate the ground as deeply, it also recovers quickly, and even after extensive over-use is restored after being left fallow for a few years.

This area was used for animal husbandry so clearing the countryside was for protection during a time when we were not the top predators, wolves and bears would have preyed on us and our herds.

The tribes who came here were shamanic based societies, who then moved to ancestral worship, as hunter/gatherers if they wanted to know the herd movements they would consult the tribal elders, who in turn would ask the tribal ancestors who have far longer memories.

These tribes also decided to honour their dead differently, they preferred to raise their dead up on stilts, the sanctuary may have been used for this, the Ridgeway goes straight through the sanctuary and may have been a processional way for honouring the dead, with only tribal elders/ shamans/priests ending up at the sanctuary.

At this time in history while we we’re somewhat masters of husbandry, we had very little in the way of agricultural technology, while what was considered Mesopotamia had agriculture but little husbandry.

Once we did get into agriculture, wheat, barely etc there was a massive increase in the population. This was largely due to the better living and eating conditions provided by farming.

Tribal Shamans were now in the position of having to predict the weather patterns and cycles for the farmers, they needed an accurate way to keep track of the passing of the seasons.

In this area their answer was to build windmill hill, as a clock of the seasons. Sort of like an experiment at an ancient form of technology college.

Windmill hill had a large stone circle around it and when it was decided to have another go at the clock concept at Stonehenge, they moved the stones using rafts on the river Kennett from windmill hill to Stonehenge, as well as other pre-existing sites. This was all in the pursuit of more accurate calculations of weather patterns, tides and other things that effect farming.

The cove stone would have been put in first as it is the biggest, and when building you always put the biggest bit in first as it makes the most mess, the 98 stones around the outside are to predict the movements of the moon, the stones contain 70% quartz which has a phenomenal resonance for which these stones were chosen and its memory properties were used to store the cycles of the moon over 18.61years, or to be totally accurate 6 times that which is 111.6years. This is why Silbury took so long to build, it was built to coincide with the cycles.

Avebury is like the grandfather clock, unreliable. With Stonehenge however it is more like a pocket watch, they used every trick of empowerment they could find, including using already empowered stones, they could fracture time down to a minute, but that still leaves plenty of space for mistakes from inaccuracy.

Q: Were Avebury and Stonehenge important before the ice age? (Frank)

A:There is evidence of a 48,000 year old Neanderthal site on Woden hill, and mammoths were hunted nearby, by running them off cliffs.(Terry)

7-8000 years ago people inhabited Britain, during the slow creep of the ice they migrated further and further south, till they eventually went across the water to Spain, after the ice age as the ice began to retreat again, their descendants migrated back to Britain.

A lot of people think we’re descended from Neanderthals, we’re not! Homosapiens were around then and we’re possibly a mix breed of both. (Ian)

Q: Why was accuracy so important? (Andy)

A:Cycles need to be understood for weather prediction, so that crops can be planted/harvested in the right conditions, you also work the land by the tides of the moon, for growing and cropping. (Terry)

Avebury was considered special cause of it conjunction with the Ridgeway.

Windmill hill would have been the market place and avebury would have been where the big ceremonies for all the communities would have been celebrated. (Ian)

It’s the romans fault for burning all the books leading to a lack of understanding and knowledge (Andy)

It doesn’t matter what it was for. What matters is what we use it for. We see it as a spiritual temple so who cares what archaeologists think. (unknown)

Finally a few announcements were made during the break;

Beltain dawn (the 1st) @ Tash an Gordon's 4:15am ready for kiss chase and maypoles.

Circular fundraising afternoon at the little hall Avebury on the 1st may 3 till 6.

Calne litter pick group on the 14th April, (Moira says you have the details)

If people are likely to want breakfast at the pub after the well dressing could you please let Tash or Gordon know so the pub can get in plenty of supplies (don’t want to run out)

Piers and Nick introduced themselves as the knew representatives of ASSF (avebury sacred sites forum) and offered people an opportunity to come and talk to them if you have any queries/suggestions asked people to get involved in writing and lobbying the NT and our own MP’s, they’re going to make a standard letter and relevant addresses available through a link on the circulars website, we need as much support as can be mustered!

Friday, 3 April 2009

Moot - The Evolution of Avebury

This month our guest speaker is Arch Druid and Keeper of the Stones - Terry Dobney - who will be presenting his thoughts on the Evolution of Avebury. Remember - get there for 2.45 to start for 3.00pm.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Equinox Food for Thought

Happy Equinox all. Looks like we're set for a few more days of lovely sunshine and clement, spring weather - perfect for sitting in the Circle and enjoying a cup of tea :) The weather is good news for the campers as well as camping is available again in the car park for Friday and Saturday.

We'd also like to say 'Hi' and 'welcome' to all our international visitors to this site including people from Sweden, United States, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Canada, France and New Zealand.

It looks like there's going to be plenty on as well - most of which have already been published in the Avebury Circular.

Saturday night is the Avebury Open Mic so check out their Facebook group for full details.

Also on Sunday over at the Rising Sun in Marlborough Paul Cummins will be putting on an exhibition of his art work from 12 noon. For all those attending take note that they serve lunch there from 12.15pm through to 3pm.

With age of petroleum-man coming to an end is the Human species ready to evolve? Here are a couple of films that I thought might help us answer such questions. The first is by Frank Cook - he reminds me of a gentle Ent. He's got a website called Plants as Healers and an internationally renowned expert of plants as foods. In this clip he talks to us a little about the common Nettle. There are a few other videos of interest by Frank including one about Docks and another about Pines - check em' out at Eat Weeds.

This second film is by Rebecca Hosking and follows her and her family as they set up self sustaining homestead in Devon. Of particular interest is an interview with Martin Crawford (after about minute 35) who 12 years ago planted a forest that is now more productive and far far less labour intensive acre for acre than modern day farming. You can find more from Martin Crawford at the Eat Weeds site.

Also, be sure to check out Terry Dobney's new Facebook group - Avebury - Caer Abiri - Druidic Events Page. He's already listed all the observations etc through to the end of May - join the group to stay informed.

Finally, the Beltane issue of the Avebury Circular will soon be available for purchase from your usual Vendors and from this site.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Chippenham/Calne Moot & The Age of Stupid

...is a Film by Franny Armstrong who is a very very good friend of the band Luminous Frenzy. The Frenzies have dropped me a line to ask for all us at the Avebury Moot to offer support to Franny. You see, Franny has been very concerned about the issue of climate change and during the last 6 years has been on a fantastic journey to make a film about the issue. Her hope is that the film it will touch the hearts and souls of all those that watch the movie. Her dream, through hard work and determination, has become reality and in a few weeks Franny's organising the world's biggest Film Premiere (the 'People's Premiere') with simultaneous screenings around the country on Sunday March 15th. For those that live close to Avebury it's being screened at the SWINDON EMPIRE Cinema, Greenbridge Retail & Leisure Park, Drakes Way, Swindon, SN3 3SQ Box Office: 0871 471 4714. What's important is that sufficient numbers show up for the Premiere so that the film gets out for a proper general release. So by seeing the film on Premier day you will be supporting Franny and her work to raise awareness of Climate Change. Go to the bottom of this article to see a news report and a trailer for the film :)

Calne Moot - on the first Thursday of every month Calne hosts the Chippenham/Calne Moot - and a very warm and friendly moot is is too. Last night the guest speaker was John who gave a talk about dowsing with rods and geopathic stress. According to John the Earth is criss crossed with ley lines which are forms of energy or radiation that flow across the landscape. Sometimes these energies can become contaminated be waterways, pipes, power lines etc and are transformed into unhealthy ley lines. Long term exposure to these unhealthy ley lines can result in a condition called geopathic stress which weakens the immune system and causes the body to spend too much time on protection and repair rather than growth and rest. In fact one of the tell tale symptoms is the feeling that you're not getting enough sleep, even when you are getting plenty of sleep time wise. John gave us a demonstration on how to locate and divert unhealthy ley lines so that conditions like geopathic stress can be eliminated.

For more information about Luminous Frenzy go to their website where you can even listen to a few of their tunes. A few of the band members recently came to the Avebury Open Mic and played a few numbers for us there. For more information about the Avebury Open Mic join join their group on Facebook.

Finally, we're in the process of booking speakers for the Moots and we would like to get the next 6 moots booked in so that we can properly advertise who's doing what and when. Please email in to wyrdmagus@gmail.com if you are interested or call Marcus on o9741 839 73o. You can even put suggestions of the Facebook group or add a comment to this article if you have some good ideas about who we could invite.

Enjoy the weekend :)

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Playing for Change

Playing for change is a collaboration of artists from around the world. The music they have created is a lovely example of how a community of motivated people can join together to create great things.

The song that first caught me was "One Love."

For more info have a look around their website - they have one or two other songs which can be listened to as well.


Sunday, 1 March 2009

The Gathering - Moot 1st March

A new season rolled up to the Moot on Sunday with a beautiful sun-shiny Spring day. And to celebrate this we all decided to sit out in the sun and fully enjoy the new season to its fullest. With maps spread across the tables a major topic of conversation was centred around the wealth of undiscovered sites in the area, including sites of breathtaking beauty. The usual suspects were noted of course, such as Swallowhead Spring and Oliver's Castle. But everyone seemed to have one or two little gems that nobody else had ever heard of. These included a spectacular cluster of springs outside of Calne, hill forts close to Wroughton and a number of forests out Castle Coombe way which have a plenitude of ancient sites hidden away in them.

So, as the warm, summer months begin to emerge from the dark, frosty mornings of the winter, thoughts and plans are set in motion to perhaps have a few of our wonderful moots located at some of these sites. Can you imagine sitting up on Oliver's Castle with its sweeping vista across the the vast expanse of the Wiltshire countryside. All this whilst listening to new and fascinating speakers, maybe even hearing ancient stories being told or music being played - music with drumming and dance. Watch this space before each Moot... you'll always know what's in the offing if you check in.

There was also a good deal of discussion about litter. A challenge to any of you is to go out for a walk with a bag and fill it up on your bimble. Well, that's not really the main challenge. The big challenge is, having already done one round of litter picking, to go out for another walk a day or so later and notice what you see, and notice how you feel about that.

The town of Calne is lucky becuase one of the Avebury Moot followers, Moira, lives there. She has called for a meeting to take place in Calne at the Lansdowne Strand Hotel on Tuesday 14th April at 6pm. This event is being held to raise awareness of the growing litter situation in our countryside and to recruit soldiers for the Litter Army. The council have already furnished her with enough equipment and supplies to fully kit out 10 brave souls. Topics for consideration include the extremely heavy littering of the river Marden - can this really be just down to people tossing litter into the river... or is there another cause? Check out the meeting to find out.

Once again the Red Lion were the perfect hosts and ensured that the tradition of the Avebury Moots being held at this focus point continues into the future. There was a fine mix of clientèle, including bikers on their impressive looking Harley Davidsons, families with all their children out for the day about the stones, and even a bunch of scouts that marched off of the ridge down Green Street and who holed themselves up to get fluids and valuable carbs.

Keep watching this space now because speakers are in the process of being booked. If you have a subject that you might like to talk about then drop us an email with a telephone number so that we can have a natter. Also check the site before each moot for confirmation of what has been booked. It's worth noting that the Avebury Moots works in close collaboration with the Avebury Circular and so noteworthy information about the moots, the Circular, the Spirit Camp etc will all be published here.

Enjoy the sun:)

Sunday, 8 February 2009

Snow snow snow

Avebury's been covered, along with much of the rest of the UK, with a nearly a foot of snow. The result is that our beautiful landscape has been transformed into a magical kingdom.

Here we have Silbury Hill, white as it no doubt should be, standing majestic and proud.

Again, Silbury Hill, this time hiding on the horizon.

And this time, a panoramic of the landscape. Notice the small group of people hiking up the hill.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Ancient Anomolies - Moot - 1st February 2009

This month we were joined by Andy who kindly imparted some of his extensive understanding of ancient anomalies.

The first part of his talk centred on the giant stone works found all over the world, in particular Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Mexico and Egypt. In Machu Picchu for example, there are examples of 10 ton blocks that have been carved to perfection and lifted 2.5 km and then interlocked with scary precision that still puzzle modern day engineers. In Andy's fascinating report, he also told us, amongst other things, about the sheer weight of the blocks used to make the pyramids.

Andy then went on to point out that the great stone works of Avebury and all of the connecting sites, clearly demonstrate that past civilisations had a clear understanding of our solar system and how the planets moved etc. He then pointed out the Christian O'Brian had discovered a line of stone markers in Essex called line A - oddly the markers are curved to the same extent of the meridian of the Earth... so we knew that the Earth was a sphere in 2500... now that certainly does not correspond with our ideas of megalithic culture and roaming Celts.

After talking in some depth about the Olmecs, Andy finished this amazing journey of discovery with querying how it could be that Egyptian mummies could have been found to contain within their inners, compounds that could only have originated from the Americas.

After the main talk Andy was kind enough to come back and spend some time running through some questions and answers. Clearly, if one considers the sheer volume of evidence available to us then we can only conclude that there were once great civilisations on this planet potentially greater than ours today. Furthermore, why are these not noted in our history books?

For further reading why not start here!

Pranayama - Moot - 4th January 2009

After a brief stop for the Yule festivities the Avebury Moot was delighted to welcome back Vickie. Vickie, an experienced and diversely learned Yoga Teacher, came to give us a talk on the Yogic breathing work of Pranayama.

Vickie explained the importance of breathing and how the concentrated techniques can enhance health.

Yoga breathing, or Pranayama, is the science of breath control. It consists of series of exercises especially intended to meet the body's needs and keep it in vibrant health. Pranayama comes from the following words:

Prana - "life force" or "life energy"
Yama - "discipline" or "control"
Ayama - "expansion", "non-restraint", or "extension"
Thus, Pranayama means "breathing techniques" or "breath control". Ideally, this practice of opening up the inner life force is not merely to take healthy deep breaths. It is intended for yoga practitioners to help and prepare them in their Meditation process.

In our respiration process, we breathe in or inhale oxygen into our body, going through our body systems in a form of energy to charge our different body parts. Then we exhale carbon dioxide and take away all toxic wastes from our body. Through the practice of Pranayama, the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide is attained. Absorbing prana through breath control links our body, mind, and spirit.

Because of the daily work, family, or financial pressures, we tend to ignore our breathing. Thus, it tends to be fast and shallow. The use of only a fraction of your lungs results to lack of oxygen and may lead to different complications. Heart diseases, sleep disorders, and fatigue are some of the effects of oxygen starvation. Therefore, the negative energy of being restless and troublesome leads to lesser prana inside the body. By practicing deep and systematic breathing through Pranayama, we reenergize our body.

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