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This Month's Moot - is in the Red Lion for 4pm!

Friday, 11 December 2009

Radio Broadcast - Labyrinthine Musings by The Inappropriate Shaman

Coooor blimey - it's all happening! Sunday night there's gonna be a radio interview - check this out.

Ever wondered what it's like to live in the middle of an enchanted stone circle and be a practising Shaman? Well you can find out on Sunday night - December 13th (her birthday) - when Shaman Sam guests on Johny Brown & Inga Tillere's Radio Joy.

Where she reports on her journeys into the Wyrd featuring Crow Pie, Druid's Knee, Liquid Lucy, Samhain soul flight and many other digressions. Frank Frenzy & Louise Luminous provide the hallucinatory soundscape to accompany these musings.

Watch LIVE at Radio Joy!

Review in yesterday's Guardian: "RADIO JOY lives up to its name. A place to find some thrilling art radio, the kind of thing that respects no boundaries and relishes the experimental"

See full review here at the Gaurdian

The show will be archived so LISTEN AGAIN at your leisure here: www.radiojoy.co.uk

And on a completely different note, a quick film about permaculture and how it's principles could change the world! I've landed lucky and am involved in a project in Calne which is looking at developing a site into a lovely permacultre experiment and so have started to discover little gems like this vid... enjoy!

Thanks Clay for sending me this.

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