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This Month's Moot - is in the Red Lion for 4pm!
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
April Moot 2011 - Maria Whaetley and Busty Taylor!
Greetings Mooties - this Month I'm delighted to confirm that Maria Wheatley and Busty Taylor are coming along to present their talk... Redicovering the Avebury Henge and the Earth Force. For the full low down click HERE - all the details are on last month's post. Circumstances meant that they couldn't make it last time.
Remember - we start at 4pm these days..
Also... something odd is happening in Swindon... check this out!
Does modern science have it’s roots in the occult?
Swindon Libraries will be playing host to bestselling authors Clive Prince and Lynn Picknett as they talk about their new book The Forbidden Universe.
Were the first scientists hermetic philosophers? What do these occult origins of modern science tell us about the universe today? The Forbidden Universe reveals the secret brotherhood that defined the world, and perhaps discovered the mind of God.
All the pioneers of science, from Copernicus to Newton via Galileo, were inspired by Hermeticism. Men such as Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Leibniz, Bacon, Kepler, Tycho Brahe – even Shakespeare – owed much of their achievements to basically occult beliefs – the hermetica.
In this fascinating study, Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince go in search of the Hermetic origins of modern science and prove that not everything is as it seems and that over the past 400 years there has been a secret agenda behind our search for truth. From the age of Leonardo da Vinci, the influence of hermetic thinking upon the greatest minds in history has been hidden, a secret held by a forbidden brotherhood in search of the mind of God.
Join the authors at the Central Library on Thursday 14th April at 7:30pm.
Tickets are £2 (£1.50 concessions) and are available from the First Floor Help point at the Central library.
Call 01793 463238 or see www.swindon.gov.uk/libraries for more details.