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This Month's Moot - is in the Red Lion for 4pm!

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

The Rainbow Serpent Project... here in Avebury on the 30th September!

What's this serpentine being slithering through the stones.... ?

The Rainbow Serpent Feature documentary is five years of work showing one man’s pilgrimage. Tor travels around the earth chakra points:
The Base chakra is Mnt Shasta CA,
Sacral; chakra Lake Titicaca Peru,
Heart chakra; Glastonbury UK,
Solar Plexus: Uluru Australia,
Throat chakra; Egypt,
Third Eye chakra; Currently Glastonbury UK,
Crown chakra; Mnt Kailash Tibet.

Working with ceremonies at each of the sites in order, interviewing Tribal Elders, Charley Thom, Bob Randell etc... Then all Tor’s synchronics, crazy and beautiful findings and all of the adventures are present in a rich tapestry of images and poetry, with mixed media footage of nature and beauty from the sacred world. Tor links the myths and legends from all over the universe displaying a deep culture that many have missed. This film is to inspire people to travel consciously around the world and into their hearts. The tag line is ‘The Pilgrim Age to 2012 and beyond’

There is a a screening of this Film at The Avebury Social Centre, High St, Avebury, Wiltshire........Thursday 30th September at 7.30pm

There will be tea and cakes and Tor will be here to present the film, and talk about the preparations for the next part of the Adventure. The lovely people there will be raising money for this, and all contributions are welcome.

See more at Tor's site here.

Friday, 10 September 2010


Calling all Mooties - some special is brewing up in Bath!

Sat & Sun 18th/19th September 2010
2pm- 7pm
St James Wine Vaults, St James Square, Bath. BA1 2TW

A Weekend of talks on the Magical arte:
Mogg Morgan
Adebisi Data Adekundle
Levannah Morgan
Geraldine Beskine
Karl Le Marcs
Jane Stratton Kent

+ Entertainment and Magical Craft Stalls

Just a few quid will see you good for the whole weekend - checkout futher details here

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Occult war for the New Aeon: magical paradigms and strategies for dealing with the coming apocalypse.

Out of New Order erupts Chaotic Rumblings - this month's fantastic Moot is titled, "Occult war for the New Aeon: magical paradigms and strategies for dealing with the coming apocalypse." Is civilisation as we know it coming to and end? What is the threat? Does a threat exist? And what can we do to counter this threat?

See you at the National Trust's Learning Centre at 3pm.

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